Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de enrich

to enrichenriquecer

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I enrichyo enriquezco
you enrichtú enriqueces
he enrichesél enriquece
she enrichesella enriquece
we enrichnosotros enriquecemos
you enrichvosotros enriquecéis
they enrichellos enriquecen
they enrichellas enriquecen

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I enrichedyo enriquecí
you enrichedtú enriqueciste
he enrichedél enriqueció
she enrichedella enriqueció
we enrichednosotros enriquecimos
you enrichedvosotros enriquecisteis
they enrichedellos enriquecieron
they enrichedellas enriquecieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have enrichedyo he enriquecido
you have enrichedtú has enriquecido
he has enrichedél ha enriquecido
she has enrichedella ha enriquecido
we have enrichednosotros hemos enriquecido
you have enrichedvosotros habéis enriquecido
they have enrichedellos han enriquecido
they have enrichedellas han enriquecido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had enrichedyo había enriquecido
you had enrichedtú habías enriquecido
he had enrichedél había enriquecido
she had enrichedella había enriquecido
we had enrichednosotros habíamos enriquecido
you had enrichedvosotros habíais enriquecido
they had enrichedellos habían enriquecido
they had enrichedellas habían enriquecido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will enrichyo enriqueceré
you will enrichtú enriquecerás
he will enrichél enriquecerá
she will enrichella enriquecerá
we will enrichnosotros enriqueceremos
you will enrichvosotros enriqueceréis
they will enrichellos enriquecerán
they will enrichellas enriquecerán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have enrichedyo habré enriquecido
you will have enrichedtú habrás enriquecido
he will have enrichedél habrá enriquecido
she will have enrichedella habrá enriquecido
we will have enrichednosotros habremos enriquecido
you will have enrichedvosotros habréis enriquecido
they will have enrichedellos habrán enriquecido
they will have enrichedellas habrán enriquecido

I would enrichyo enriquecería
you would enrichtú enriquecerías
he would enrichél enriquecería
she would enrichella enriquecería
we would enrichnosotros enriqueceríamos
you would enrichvosotros enriqueceríais
they would enrichellos enriquecerían
they would enrichellas enriquecerían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have enrichedyo habría enriquecido
you would have enrichedtú habrías enriquecido
he would have enrichedél habría enriquecido
she would have enrichedella habría enriquecido
we would have enrichednosotros habríamos enriquecido
you would have enrichedvosotros habríais enriquecido
they would have enrichedellos habrían enriquecido
they would have enrichedellas habrían enriquecido

Participio presenteAnotado
enriching enriqueciendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
enriched enriquecido

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